Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Knight in Shining Cell Phone

Wednesday, July 25: I'm one of those annoying super organized people. A couple days ago, I had taken all the medical papers, business cards, etc. and put them into a red folder. And I told Dayton, "in case you need it, here's all the medical stuff. Here's the Doctor's business card and his phone number." Dayton asked, "Why would I need that?"

It's the day after the biopsy, the one that didn't hurt. I've been taking the Ibuprofin religiously every 4 hours, just like Doctor B said. And I'm tired, so I've laid down for a nap. Geronimo is curled up with me, and all is well with the world.

Until I oversleep the next dosage time by 20 minutes.

A searing pain wakes me. This isn't a cramp. This feels like my left side is going to explode. I can't get up to get the pills, I can't get out of a fetal position. My feet are toeing into the mattress, my hands are clenching the blankets, sweat is pouring out of my body, and I am rocking, moaning, swearing, barely holding back from shrieking. I'm not crying - it hurts too much to cry.

It's not pretty. Geronimo is whining and whimpering - he's scared. I'm scared too. Where is the ambulance? Get me to the hospital! I'm screaming the words in my head, but only whimpers escape my lips.

Dayton helps me sit up long enough to swallow some pills and water. I'm in some other state of consciousness - not really in this painful body, just standing outside watching. Gradually, the pain fades.

That's when I hear him. My knight in shining cell phone. He's on the phone with the doctor's office, and is advocating for me. "I understand you have your procedures. I understand you need to wait for the biopsy results before you can do the surgery. But can we at least get her scheduled for the surgery now? You say there is one opening for next week, can we get her on the schedule? The biopsy reports should be back by then. Please understand, I'm not trying to be pushy. But this is my wife, and I love her, and I can't stand seeing her in this agony."

My hero.

After the meds kick in, after I stagger out of bed, he tells me that they are going to try to expedite the surgery. "They wanted me to bring you to the emergency room, but when I explained that we're 45 minutes away, and your cramps usually only last 10-20 minutes, they realized that it wouldn't do any good."

Nurse Karen calls just before dinner and talks with Dayton again. "Yes, she's up and around. How would she rate that episode on a scale of 1-10?" I call out "8".

He hangs up finally, and takes me in his arms. "They really are nice people," he says. "They're going to try to get you in for the surgery next week, but they need to talk with the Doctor."

I set my alarm so I don't miss any more dosage times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr. Paul Warburg got a Nobel Prize in medicine for proving that cancer grows in the absence of oxygen. He found that by making the body acidic it would exclude oxygen from the bloodstream and tissues and cancer would ensue. Warburg said a Dr. Reese [sic] proved the same thing in reverse when he found that by neutralizing acidity with calcium, cells would grow back to normal.
The American food supply has become a poisonously acidic buffet, the best evidence of which is that the best selling over-the-counter 'medicines' are antacids and laxatives. What's wrong with our food? It's not that we can't digest it. We can digest shoe leather. But for some reason the back pressure becomes so great it refluxes out the top of our stomach instead of going down and out the way it should.
The fiberless white sugar, fiberless white flour, and a new substance that didn't exist before the 1970's, fiberless high fructose corn syrup have become pervasive in nearly every food prepared out of your sight. Now Americans are overweight (63%) and obese (34%).

The corn syrup concoction was added in the 1980's, replacing sugar, cheaper, and less of it demanded to make it just as sweet. Soda pop consumption increased 300%. Ka-ching! They want your money and are willing to kill you to get it. Then between 1990 and year 2000 diabetes increased 60%. Cause and effect?
It got into everything, yogurt, ice cream, crackers, bread, beans, you name it. Think you're eating catsup? Read the label. It's corn syrup AND high fructose corn syrup. These volatile hydrates are very likely the source of many health problems, including acidity, and inability to process through the digestive tract.
Coral Calcium has been touted as an acid neutralizer. One doctor tracked his patients for milk consumption (1950's, perhaps before they started injecting cows with chemistry) and found those who drank the most were the healthiest; the least the sickest. He found patients who came to him diagnosed with terminal cancer could reverse their cancer and live for many years disease free. Autopsies at time of death found them cancer free and free of any other disease.

Calcium and other minerals are essential to your health, per Dr. Joel Wallach, The Mineral Doctor. He found that things known in the agricultural animal health business took years to be discovered in the human health business. And then they were ignored and supressed. Minerals have been harvested out of the soils where your food is grown. Plants can't make minerals. They have to get them from the soil. You'd have to eat 20 oranges to get the nutrients you could have gotten from one in 1963.

Take calcium, vitamin D (attaches to calcium and tows it into system), and magnesium (prevents constipation). It won't hurt you and may help you immensely. Avoid acid producing foods. Deliberately and purposefully oxygenate your body, morning, noon, and night. Develop an alkaline body and you will heal much more efficiently and avoid many diseases. Again, it can't hurt you, and wouldn't it be nice if it helped, a little, or a lot? Good luck.