Thursday, August 16, 2007

Catching Up On The Week

Monday-Wednesday, August 13-15: No cramps on Monday. I take a long nap with Geronimo in the afternoon, but that's becoming normal. I feel so good, I know that I can make it to my dentist appointment on Tuesday.

Nope. Tuesday morning Dayton finds me showered, dressed, and sitting on the toilet seat. "What's wrong?" he asks, and I whisper, "I'm just so tired." He helps me up, I call the dentist and explain my situation. They are so nice about it, tell me to focus on getting well and give them a call when I'm ready to come back. Usually they charge a fee if you have a same-day cancellation. I really wanted to get my broken tooth fixed, but it is going to have to wait. I hope it doesn't start hurting during my recovery from surgery!

I'm depressed, I wanted to do something normal like going to the dentist. Still, I'm happy - I'm tired, but no cramps. I'm coughing like crazy, and trying not to talk - it makes me cough even more. The pup and I spend more quality time in bed. I feel better lying down, there is a heaviness in my groin these days.

Wednesday is a great day! I have a burst of energy! I actually slept well last night! Only woke up every 4 hours to take my pills, didn't have to run to the bathroom every hour. Dayton has gone back to Dubuque for business, so I spend most of the day in the office, catching up on correspondence, trying to clear off my desk, etc. I spend time on the phone and the coughing is way down. I think about vacuming - but I'm not that energetic. I go to the grocery store late in the afternoon, and stock up on foods that I like to eat.

Things fall apart in the evening. I'm so tired after my grocery trip that I don't fix food right away. All of a sudden it's 8:00 pm, and it's time for my next dose of medicine, and I haven't eaten, and I have to go the bathroom and a nasty cramp hits afterwards and then turns into a major backache. When I can get up again, I ditch my plans for a good supper, open a can of Ravioli, throw together a quick salad, and eat. It doesn't taste good, it's not filling my food needs, but it's the best I can do. By the time I'm done eating, the backache is mostly gone. I take the pup out for last call (had to wake him up for it, it's way past his bedtime), and we collapse into bed.

Again, I sleep well.

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