Thursday, August 16, 2007

Don't Lose Your Cool

Friday, August 10th: Okay, I'm frustrated that the family doc lady can't see me, and I'm frustrated that it's over two more weeks until I see the specialist. But I shouldn't let myself get frustrated.

Because when I get upset, the cramps bypass the pills. Six, count 'em, six on Friday. Mild to moderate, none of them severe, but still - SIX.

It's a long, uncomfortable day. We're going out to the boat in the afternoon. Then Dayton tells me we have to detour to Fulton so he can show a boat on the way. (He runs a boat brokerage in addition to his accounting business.)

At Fulton, the people are late, and then they take their time looking at the boat. Geronimo and I wait in the car for almost 90 minutes. There is no shade and temperature is 95 degrees. Dayton leaves the car running so we have the air, but still, the sun beats relentlessly through the windows. Finally I rig up a towel over the glass to try to block out the glare. I put my seat back as far as it can go, and try to nap a little bit. The pup wants desperately to get in my lap, and we battle for a long time. Finally he curls up in the driver's seat. By the time Dayton comes back, we're both fast asleep.

We stop in Savanna for supper. Dayton found this place that he raved about last week, so that's where we go. It's just another pizza joint. I'm feeling sore and sick, and pizza is the last thing I want, so I order a salad. It's not very good - who on earth thought it would be acceptable to put canned mushrooms on a salad?

Back into the car we go, give Geronimo a couple pieces of pepperoni to tide him over (not realizing we would be out so late, I didn't think to pack dogfood for the ride). Then it's on to Dubuque and our boat. We left home at 3:00, we get to the boat at 9:30! That's an extreme journey for a route that generally takes less than 2 hours. I can't wait to go to bed - after I take Geronimo for his "last call" walk and Dayton unloads the car.

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