Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Good Week

Sunday, July 15: No cramps!

Monday, July 16: No cramps!

Tuesday, July 17: No cramps! And this is the day of my pap test. At the clinic, Karen asks how I've been feeling since Saturday. "Great! I think something was out of place, and you pushed it back in." She laughs, and says "Well, I hope I don't dislodge it today." We bantering and laughing as she does the full gyn exam this time. Breasts are fine, pelvic again looks fine, and the slides are done for the pap. There's a bit of rumbling in my abdomen, and she says that's normal - for a woman my age, of course.

Wednesday, July 18: No cramps!

Thursday, July 19: No cramps!

Maybe it was just a virus. Or some other physically oddity that is, as they say, "Normal for a woman my age."

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