Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Moving into the Health System

Friday, July 13: The Immediate Care Center leaves a message on my cell phone. "All of your labwork is within normal limits. Please follow up with your regular physician."

If I HAD a regular physician, I probably could have bypassed this whole mess!

I call Linda and hear how wonderful her Fringe performance was at National. How I wish I could have been there to see her succeed in person. She's so good, they really should feature her at the National Festival soon.

Then I start googling up the doctor that I'm seeing in the morning. And I hit a wall. There is no doctor by that name in town. There is a nurse/midwife by that name. And she is at the clinic that is linked to the one hospital in town that is not a Blue Cross/Blue Shield Provider.

Drat! I TOLD them at Immediate Care that I wanted to stay with the Swedes network. And they've assigned me out to somebody else. What do I do now? I don't want to call around myself, begging for an appointment. So I call her office number, and ask. Yes, they say, she is on staff here. Yes, we are a Blue Cross provider here in the clinic. Yes, you'll be fine.

So I cross my fingers and hope for the best. And take more Ibuprofin for the cramps. They still won't go away. Dayton is still at the boat, so it doesn't matter if I moan a teeny bit when the cramps hit during the night.

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