Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Nightmare Weekend

Saturday & Sunday, July 21 & 22: It must have been the Ultrasound. I was doing just fine until then. But now the cramps are back, and worse then before. Every 3-4 hours I'm in pain. Severe pain. Saturday morning Dayton finds me in tears, unable to stand up long enough to take Geronimo for his morning walk. The cramps strike without warning. Bathroom break? Cramp time. Walking? Cramp time. Grocery shopping? Do it fast before the cramp gets you.

And the nights are worse. I'm up every few hours, pacing, panting, moaning. I try not to wake Dayton up, but sometimes he hears the whimpering. He's finally starting to realize that this is serious. I'm not just being a wimp, I'm in real trouble. And all he can do is fetch me the Ibuprofin, and try to rub my back. Hard to do when I'm writhing.

I was going to head home Sunday evening, but I'm exhausted by the constant assaults. I'll go home in the morning.

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